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Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Survey


As you may be aware the Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum recently carried out a survey amongst their peers, to identify what they felt were the most important issues affecting them.

In the autumn of 2017 the Children in Care Council (Make A Difference) and Care Leavers Forum (Our Say, Our Way) were both keen to identify an issue affecting their peers and then work towards improving the situation by working with decision makers.

Whilst there has been a huge amount of national research into the issues affecting children looked after and care leavers, we wanted to enhance our knowledge and understanding locally of what mattered most to our children.


The top three issues were as follows:

8-11 year olds

  1. I would like to understand more about my past

  2. Contact with my family

  3. I would like more opportunities to make friends

12-17 year olds

  1. Contact with my family

  2. Help finding a home when I am older

  3. Not being allowed to have sleepovers – at own or other people’s homes

Care Leavers

  1. Offer incentives to those who achieve goals

  2. Raise the Leaving Care Grant / relax restrictions

  3. More support to find work

Whilst the aim of the survey was to highlight areas for improvements there are also positives that can be drawn from options that weren’t selected by any respondents. Findings suggest that the younger age group feel settled, whilst the 12-17 year age group feel safe and have access to a computer to complete homework.

Kind Regards


Darren Foley

Participation Officer - Looked After & Care Leavers

Children's Services

3-5 St James Rd

Dudley DY1 1HP

01384 815172

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