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Latest News and Resources 2018 (NSPCC)

NSPCC Update – April 2018

Children in care

Ofsted has published a report looking at what children and young people told them about their experiences of living in children’s homes or living with foster carers in England. Findings from questionnaire responses from 1,527 children and young people living in a children’s home, and 1,630 children and young people living with foster carers include an increase in the number of children saying they had been helped to understand why they came into care - this was greater for those living in children’s homes.

Source: Ofsted Date: 04 April 2018

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children

The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration has published a report looking at the Home Office’s handling of unaccompanied asylum seeking children and how it ensured the best interest of the child were considered throughout the asylum process. The report covers the reception and intake of unaccompanied asylum seeking children; age dispute and age assessment; the National Transfer Scheme, and decision making. The report is published in conjunction with an academic literature review. The Home Office has published a response to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s report.

Gangs, violence and social media

An article in The Guardian reports that criminologists and other experts are warning about young people being groomed and inadvertently drawn into violent activities after making contact with gangs over social media.

Source: Guardian Date: 02 April 2018

Independent evaluation of the Centre of expertise for child sexual abuse

Research in Practice and the University of Bedfordshire are carrying out a survey as part of an independent evaluation of the Centre of expertise for child sexual abuse for England and Wales, which was established to help bring about significant and system wide change in how child sexual abuse is responded to. They are interested in hearing from anyone who works with or studies child sexual abuse including: individuals whose work relates to the centre’s long term aim of reducing child sexual abuse; individuals who have been involved in the centre; and individuals who have accessed the centre’s resources.

Source: Research in Practice Date: 03 April 2018

Further information: Survey

How parents' arguments affect their children

The BBC has published an article discussing how parents’ arguments can affect their children’s mental health, and what parents and carers can do to limit the harm caused by their rows.

Source: BBC Date: 02 April 2018

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